Just offering out here the idea to create a registry/index of stonecarvers who worked in central Virginia in the 19th and 20th centuries, as that idea was just offered to me by Joanna Wilson Green at the Virginia Department of Historic Resources. Hopefully we can follow up with another post with an announcement along those lines sometime. In the meantime, we’ve got:
- the J. Henry Brown Monument Company order books held at the Library of Virginia
- Emily Williams’s book/dissertation, Stories in Stone: Memorialization, the Creation of History and the Role of Preservation (2020)
- J. Daniel Pezzoni, “Virginian to the Grave: A Portrait of the Commonwealth’s Graveyards and Memorial Art,” Virginia Cavalcade 51 (Spring 2002): 62-71
- Martha Wren Briggs, “Charles Miller Walsh: A Master Carver of Gravestones in Virginia, 1865-1901,” Markers 7 (1990).
More soon, hopefully.